Sunday, August 28, 2005

Still here...................

......Looks like I let time get the better of me!
Been pretty busy with work and summer activities in general.
I've had alot of potential posts come to mind- when I'm hundreds of miles from my computer and behind the wheel!! Maybe I will be able to conjure one up soon.
I used to be pretty good at posting-on-the-fly, but now I just can't seem to make enough time.
So, you may be asking, why the hell are you wasting time with this drivel when you could be posting something with a little bit of substance? Like, I said, I'm just blank right now.
Here's a topic-
Why are the President and the military letting the snivelers and the PC'ers and the acid-casualty-hippie-throwback-liberal-meely-mouthed-senators and media buttheads control the goings-on in Iraq? Syria and Iran need to be put on notice that we ain't gonna take no more shit and that they need to stay out o' everybody else's backyard. That goes for China, Russia and France, too!
We've let China buy up a great deal of our debt and they could run our economy into the ground tomorrow(kinda like we did to Russia in the '80's). This scenario scares the crap outta me!! I really don't want to be speaking anything but English!!
We need to bring back the jobs we've outsourced and take away the money we're giving away in these other countries. Close the boarders and quit giving(loaning?) money to countries that will never pay it back.

There- that felt good. If you're passing by and just happen to read this, be sure to lay down some funk in the comments area. I love to read other nutso wackjob's stuff!! It builds my confidence to know that there is always someone more wacked out than me!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Applied universally, the debt-ridden U.S. would be in a terrible situation without lenders...

7:59 PM  

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