Monday, January 24, 2005

Hangin' ten.............

....been out and about, surfin' blogs.
I must say, there is quite a variety out there. Everything from stuff that I can't read cuz it's in a language I don't know, to stuff by teens, to the political left and right.
I must say that the most interesting to me are the ones by angry liberals.
I just cannot relate(entirely) to that anger. I guess when I was 20-something, I was an angry young man. Angry at everything. Governments, rich people, stupid people, corporate America, you name it. It is only now, in hindsight, that I can see how foolish I was and how misinformed I was, simply because I believed what I saw and heard on the evening news and from so-called friends, from whom I would not ask the time of day- today. I was big on conspiracy theory and any other kind of revolution against "The Man".
So, anyway, I can relate to some of the angry liberals in that respect.
But, it all goes back to caring and knowing(education). It is so easy to just be angry all the time. You can say you care and that you are compassionate, and sometimes it is true, but the anger I'm talking about is the kind where no other viewpoints or possibilities are even considered.
It is possible to disagree and get along and to respect others viewpoints without berating them.
I think in many cases these people just refuse to believe that any other point of view is possible.
The really paradoxal thing is how great that is.
This country allows people to be in complete opposition and disagreement with their fellow citizens and not be arrested for it(usually).
I challenge my fellow Americans, who are so opposed to their current government, to go to almost any other country on the planet and criticise their government the same you do your own and see how long it is before you are thrown on prison.
I really get hot about other countries telling us how it is in our country, when they don't know any more about it than I know about rocket science. Not only that, but few of them, if any, really have any room to talk, considering the shape of their own country. For that matter, I get pretty peeved about our own media lying about what is going on just because they don't agree with the government. Truth is far more important than your opinion. An opinion is like an asshole- everybody has one.
It all comes down to this:
Even though I respect the right of anyone in America to express their point of view, I'm getting tired of the liberals that simply cannot accept the fact that they and/or their party is/are not in charge any more. You need to realise that the direction of this country has changed for the time being and whether it's right or wrong, that is the way it's going to be.
I could easily argue the other side as far as how long the left and the Democrat party had control of this country, yet they rarely ever do anything they say they will do. That goes for all politicians from time to time, but universal health care in this country has been an issue for decades and the people complaining about it were the ones in control, yet they never pursued it once they were re-elected.
They only want the issue- they don't want a solution.
I think my side is more willing to pursue an actual solution for the problems affecting this country today. However, I am not totally committed to the party line.
I wish we could have politics without all the politics.

I'm sure I could go on, but I think I've said enough for now.
I need to try out some lighter subject matter- to loosen up a bit.
I'm really a nice guy, sometimes I just have to get things off my chest.
I promise I'll change my focus for awhile.

Thank you- Come Again,

"These gravely digs of mine must surely prove a sight....And don't forget my dog- Fixed And Consequent."


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