Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Education- or- Edga-mah-kation...............

.........This I believe, is the key to everything.
It's kinda like the old cliche, "Ignorance of the law is no excuse".
People that use the phrase, "Gee, I didn't know", really get on my nerves. Why didn't they know? Did they just plow right into something without knowing anything about it? How smart is that? Playing dumb is about the dumbest thing you can do.
If you don't know- ask. Why risk it? Don't get me wrong- I'm not saying you shouldn't take risks. Where would we be if no one ever took a risk? All I'm saying is gather as much information as you can before you dive in.
Now all this may or may not sound all well and fine to you, and, in many cases it's really all you need.
My point, however, is deeper than that(duh!).
True education begins at home, with the parents.
Yeah, I know, you can say how preposterous(sp?) that sounds, but it is true. Everything starts with the first few years of your life.
You can say,"How do we change all the kids who don't have the education you're talking about", and I will say that we may not be able to, but it is up to us, the educators, so to speak, to see that we do the best we can to instill solid values into these youngsters. If this was to happen and people actually had the cajones to keep with it, I believe that it would become the way of life with all of the so-called "un-educated" eventually being phased out.
I know how unbelievable this all sounds, but I guess it's my dream of how it should be.
I think the main cause of this is that people just don't care and I don't know why, except that it is easier to not care and we've been led to believe that easier is better. In some things easier is better, but not when it comes to the well-being of others.
Caring is probably one of the hardest things you will ever do, but it is also probably one of the most rewarding.
Let me end this rambling by re-asserting that education is the answer to anything and everything that happens.
Know your enviroment. Look around- be alert to what is going on aorund you. Quit talking on your cell phone while you're driving. Know your parameters when you drive.
Remember the Golden Rule: Do Unto Others As They Do Unto You.
Oh yeah, use your brain for Christsakes!
Think, think, think.
When I find a better way to illustate this point, I will post here.


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