Saturday, October 15, 2005

And you can go on and on............

This little rant was written about 14 months ago, before the 2004 elections. Much of it is valid today and I think I was pretty dead-on about certain candidates. Judge for yourself...........

You can go on and go to your big liberal universities and colleges and learn all the philosophy and mantras and tantras and have free love and free will and free money...

....and you can go on and on about how the very place that gave you the freedom to go on and on about how you're so oppressed by "The Man" and the big corportions and how they are choking the life out of the air and land and sea and out of you and out of me....How your very own country, that you support with your very own tax dollars(whether you like it or not), if you're not welching off the government- and if you are, then you're living off my hard earned tax dollars- how your very own country, the good ol' U.S. of A., is the greatest evil in the universe and how your very own country is responsible for every single little problem there is....

.....and you can go on and on about how "Farenheit 9/11" is the gospel truth, even though it is pretty much fabricated and a lie, unless you just close your eyes and your mind and don't think abut it, then you can circumvent the truth and shape it and mold it to fit into your little socio-communist fantasy world....

....and you can go on and on about how much you hate George W. Bush and the war on terror and you can ignore the good he has actually done for this country and you can put your faith in some Vietnam war hero who scammed his medals and hates war, but who always brings up what a big hero he was in Vietnam, even though only one of twenty-three men say he's telling the truth, and you can put all your faith in a man who is the richest candidate to ever run for President who doesn't give a good Goddamn about the average person and has not given a single detail as to his plans if elected....

.....and you can believe a big, fat communistic film maker telling you how rotten this country is but yet he still lives here and he still rolls in the millions of dollars he's made making you believe the absolute shit he spews onto film, because he lives in a country where he is free to say what he wants and if he lived in a true communist country, his money would be re-distributed among the poorer citizens and everyone would be "equal", except for the government, cause they would actually keep most all the money(gee, that is kinda like the Liberals' version of what the U.S. should be, isn't it?), kinda like it is here except Bush has actually cut taxes and allowed us to keep a little more of our hard- earned money instead of having to give it up and there really is no limit to how much you can earn, just ask John Kerry or Michael Moore.....

.....So you can go on and on about pretty much whatever you want, but the fact remains- this is virtually the only country in the world where you can go on and on about pretty much whatever you want and not get arrested- where you don't pay an extra "Luxury Tax" for a TV, more if it is a color TV, where you can choose your occupation and where you can choose to make as much or as little as you want, where you can keep your net income or you can give all or part of it to whoever or whatever you want, where there is crime, but nothing like most other places, where car bombs and groups of people being killed is not an every day occurance, where you can walk down the street in most places and not be a victim of one kind of a crime or another.

If you can find a better place to live, then I sincerely urge you to button your cake hole and go there and have a good time trying to criticise their way of life without getting arrested or killed, and stop complaining about how bad America is just to complain and to appear to be "hip" among others like you, 'cause those of us who love our country and the lives we have here are good and Goddamned sick and tired of listening to the rest of you bitch and moan and complain and threaten a lawsuit about every little thing that doesn't stroke you just right or isn't "Politically Correct" or, in your opinion, isn't fair......



Saturday, October 08, 2005

Don't know why I'm wasting my time, but...........

I just cannot ignore this because it makes a major point.
I was looking back through my meager collection of posts and comments and happened to notice a comment from "anonymous" under my post about profiling.
It was, quote:

Anonymous said...
If the world operated on your logic, whites would also have been profiled after the Oklahoma City bombing. I wonder when we'll wake up to realize that hate fuels hate. Always.
-anon of ages past

End quote.
Well, "anonymous", the joke is on you. Your comment reveals alot about you.
First, and foremost, it shows that you did not read the whole post, but made a judgement on my intent and position on the topic by reading just the title of the post or maybe the first line or two and then made an assumption.
Second, it shows that you don't take much time to think things out, but just say the first thing you can think of to make yourself feel better about the situation.
That leads me to believe that you either are not very old or are just not very mature. It also tells me that perhaps you are of an ethnic origin other than Caucaisian(sp). It doesn't have any bearing on my feelings about your post other than it gives insight as to why you said what you said.
As far as Oklahoma City- I think maybe there must have been some kind of profiling going on- they caught at least two of the people responsible(I hate that term- what they did was not responsible, it was irresponsible), so they probably had some sort of description to go on. I don't think they were the only ones involved, but that just opens up a whole other can of worms that I'd rather not get into at this time.

Now, here's a surprise....I agree with your statement that hate fuels hate. However, instead of saying, "always", I would say, "If you let it".
You think because I called the 9/11 terrorists "assholes" and "thugs" that I hate?
I only hate what they did. They were assholes and thugs. I wouldn't say that someone who flies a commercial airliner into the side of a building, killing thousands of people, a humitarian. Although, you could say they were brave(I prefer the word "crazy", or perhaps "fanatical"). I don't think I have the wherewithall to fly a plane into a building, knowing that it would also kill me, no matter how strongly I believe something. I would, however, be willing to engage a foe face to face if necessary.
I pray for those men's souls. I pray for the souls of terrorists. I pray for them to see that what they are doing is wrong. That there is no reason we cannot all co-exist without committing heinious crimes against one another.

I realize I have left many openings for criticism, but the day is only so long.

In closing, I must say to "anonymous" that the fact that your post is signed "anonymous" says you fear something. If you truly feel as you say, then why not be confident enough to attach your name to it?
Coming soon.....
A rant I wrote last year in a journal whilst waiting, and waiting, and waiting........

Red said that.